Dewar's Bowl
Dewar's Bowl is located on the west side of upper Lodge Ridge and forms part of the Chatter Creek drainage. Dewar's Bowl itself is a depression in the broad alpine slope of upper Lodge Ridge. However, it is typical of the terrain further north on Lodge Ridge, towards the Chatter glacier. It provides a great deal of medium steep open alpine skiing, with some tree skiing near the valley floor. As one moves further up the valley (further north), there is less and less tree skiing at the bottom of the runs. Photo #1 is an aerial shot of Lodge Ridge from the west. Dewar's Bowl is in the center of the photo. Photo #3 is in the Chatter Creek valley, below Dewar's Bowl and looking in the direction of the Chatter glacier. Photo #4 is the west side of Lodge Ridge, viewed from the south, near MCO. Photo #5 is the view south from Lodge Ridge toward MCO. Photo #7 is of upper Lodge Ridge, north of Dewar's Bowl looking towards the Chatter glacier and the "world's largest halfpipe", which is located in the Kitchen Range of the Rocky Mountains. The remaining photos are taken in or near Dewar's Bowl. Back to Index
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